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Journal Covers Gallery

Cover Legends

Volume 34

Includes Special Issue: Future Perspectives of Neurogenetics- in honor of Troy D. Zars (1967-2018)


'Career seal' of Troy Zars. Word size is proportional to the number of times they occur with Troy's publications. Art credit: Bertram Gerber


Volume 33 Number 2

Includes Special Issue: Comparative behavioral genetics: the Yamamoto approach


Male-male courtship of satori mutants. Daisuke Yamamoto's team isolated and mapped the mutation to fruitless, one of the most important genes controlling sexual behaviors of the fly. 


Volume 33 Number 1


Olfactory projection neurons in the Drosophila brain. Dr. Hung-Hsiang (Sam) Yu, Academia Sinica Institute of Cellular and Oganismic Biology, Taipei, Taiwan. See "FOXO regulates cell fate specification of Drosophila ventral olfactory projection neurons." Journal of Neurogenetics Volume 33 issue (1), 2019.


Volume 32 

Includes Special Issue: A reductionist approach to understanding the nervous system: The Harold Atwood Legacy


Top left is an image of 1b and 1s boutons from the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (image by Jeffrey Dason). Lower left is a cross section of a bouton from the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (image by Leo Marin). Top right is an image of crayfish phasic and tonic boutons (Prashad and Charlton, 2014; PLoS One 9(4):e95130). Lower right. Traces of evoked and spontaneous excitatory junction potentials (image by Jeffrey Dason).


Volume 31 

Includes Special Issues: Zebrafish: From Genes and Neurons to Circuits, Behavior and Disease & Neurogenetics in Spain


See following two legends.


Volume 31 Number 4

Special Issue: Neurogenetics in Spain


A drawing of a glial cell from a bee as revealed by the Golgi method, drawn by a student of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, father of modern Neuroscience and only Spanish Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine (Cajal and Sanchez, 1915)


Volume 31 Number 3

Special Issue: Zebrafish: From Genes and Neurons to Circuits, Behavior and Disease


Top: Nicolson, 2017. "The genetics of hair-cell function in zebrafish," Journal of Neurogenetics, 31(3). 

(Left) Fluorescently tagged actin (green) and tubulin (blue) in live hair cells of the inner ear in a 5 day old (5 dpf) zebrafish larva.  (Right) Microphonic potentials recorded from lateral line hair cells in response to a water jet stimulus. 


Second from top: Iribane & Masai, 2017. "Neurotoxicity of cGMP in the vertebrate retina: from the initial research on rd mutant mice to zebrafish genetic approaches," Journal of Neurogenetics, 31(3). 

(Left) Electroretinogram of 7 dpf wild-type and pde6c mutant larvae in response to 500 ms light.  (Right) Section of 7 dpf zebrafish retina, consisting of six major cell-types that form three nuclear layers and two plexiform layers. 


Third from top: Allen et al., 2017. "Role of branchiomotor neurons in controlling food intake of zebrafish larvae,"  Journal of Neurogenetics, 31(3). 

(Left) Fluorescent reporter expression (red) in cranial muscles in a 7 dpf zebrafish larva.  Presynaptic vesicle SV2 staining (green) showing innervation by branchiomotor (jaw and gill muscles) and somatomotor (ocular muscles) neurons.  (Right) Trace depicting periodic opening of the larval mouth, which is driven by branchiomotor neurons.


Bottom: Wagle et al., 2017.  "Heritable natural variation of an anxiety-like behavior in larval zebrafish," Journal of Neurogenetics, 31(3). 

(Left)  Graphs showing the distribution curves of light/dark choice indices in populations of larval zebrafish.  (Right) Hypothalamic neuronal fluorescent reporters label axonal projections toward the hindbrain reticulo-spinal motor network. 


Volume 30 Number 3-4

Special Issue: The Neurogenetics of Drosophila: The Ganetzky Legacy


Volume 30 Number 2

Special Issue: Neurogenetics of Connectomes: From Fly to Fish


Volume 28 Number 3-4 

Special Issue: The Nervous System of Drosophila melanogaster: From Development to Function


Composite image by Dr. Martin Helmstaedter, a former PhD student of K.-F. Fischbach, depicting an ad hoc colored scanning electron microscopic head of Drosophila surrounded by camera lucida drawings of Golgi Gestalten extracted from the paper of Fischbach KF and Dittrich A.P.M. (1989). The Optic Lobe of Drosophila melanogaster. Part I: A Golgi Analysis of Wild-Type Structure. Cell Tissue Res. 258, 441-475.


Volume 28 Number 1-2 

Special Issue: From Genes to Behavioral Disease: Neurogenetics of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders


Mice lacking the synaptic scaffold PSD-95 show limb-clasping, a neurological phenotype accompanied by striatal neuron loss. The underlying mechanism seems to result from a concomitant overactivation of the dopamine and NMDA glutamate signaling associated with PSD-95 deletion at the synapse (Zhang et al. this issue). A mouse brain Affymetrix genechip expression profile is also shown. Cover images provided by Dr. Wei-Dong Yao. Arrangement by Marie E. Edwards.


Volume 27 Number 3 

Special Issue: Evo-Devo-Neuro Approach to Behavior.


Thermosensory AC Neurons in the Drosophila Brain. Ann-Synn Chiang, Shih, Hsiang-Wen, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. See "Anatomical Characterization of Thermosensory AC Neurons in the Adult Drosophila Brain." Journal of Neurogenetics Volume 25 issue (1-2), 2011.


Volume 26 Number 3-4 

Special Issue: Obaid Siddiqi at 80 and Neurogenetics in India


The cover shows, in three phases, the development of biological sciences in the TIFR. Top - the new lab complex in NCBS, Bangalore opened this year; Middle, the original building that still houses the majority of NCBS labs; bottom: the TIFR Mumbai, a centre for Maths and Physics, in which Obaid founded a small biological sciences group in 1962 (the cognoscenti may recognize Obaid's little red Maruti car in its customary parking spot).


Volume 26 Number 2 

Special Issue: Bill Pak's Vision: Neurogenetics of Phototransduction


This issue of Journal of Neurogenetics is dedicated to Bill Pak, pictured in the lower right. Also shown are many Pak lab members, a Drosophila salivary chromosome highlighting a ninaE rhodopsin gene deletion (courtesy of Joseph O'Tousa), a female Drosophila, genes of the phototransduction cascade (adapted from Minke and Cook, Physiol Rev., 2002), and an optical neutralized dipteran eye (courtesy of Chun-Fang Wu). Cover design by Paulo Ferreira, Joseph O'Tousa, and Chun-Fang Wu, artistic assistance by Sarah Borland.


Volume 26 Number 1 

Special Issue: The Hotta Neurogenetics School


This special issue is dedicated to Yoshiki Hotta. Looking up from the bottom of a glass vial with its cap unplugged momentarily, a long fruit fly appear to ponder whether to fly off to the world outside. Here a bright future is symbolized by Mt. Fuji -- a rare occasion when Mt. Fuji glows in deep red by the first rays of the rising sun -- as famously depicted in "South Wing, Clear Sky" by Hokusai (1760-1849). For this cover, Akira Chiba (postdoctoral fellow, 1994) collaborated with artist Hasitha Samarajeewa.


Volume 25 Number 4 

Special Issue: Pharmaconeurogenetics


Expression of Orexin Receptor OX2R in the Mouse Brain. Christopher Winrow, Zhizhen Zeng and John Renger, Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, Pennsylvania, USA. See "Promotion of Sleep by MK-4305 - A Novel Dual Receptor Antagonist." Journal of Neurogenetics Volume 25 issue (1-2), 2011.


Volume 24 Number 3 

Special Issue: From Synapse to Behavior: Neurobiology in Drosophila (In Honor of Erich Buchner)


Carolin Wichmann, Stephan J. Sigrist, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. See "The Active Zone T-Bar -- A Plasticity Module?". Jane Boerner, Tanja Angela Godenschwege, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA. See "Application for the Drosophila ventral nerve cord standard in neuronal circuit reconstruction and in-depth analysis of mutant morphology". Devkanya Dutta, K. VijayRaghavan, Bangalore, India. See "Hox Genes Regulate Muscle Founder Cell Pattern Autonomously and Regulate Morphogenesis Through Motor Neuron". Journal of Neurogenetics Volume 24 issue (3), 2010.

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